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5th Kentucky Mounted Infantry - Rock Island POW

Item CON-9557
February 6, 1865 Henry B. Dobyns
Price: $425.00


1 page original Civil War Confederate POW letter, written in period ink and war dated.

Barracks 41
Rock Island, Illinois

February 6th 1865

Dear Sister,

I today received your letter of the 22nd January and it a receipt for ten dollars. My health is much better than it has been. The weather is delightful and has had a good effect upon my health. And another thing is, the Exchange news is so favorable. It is said we will start from here in five days on exchange. I do not know how true the report is. It is generally credited and I hope and pray it may be so. It will certainly be one of the proudest days of my life. To again say I am a free man. It may be, if the report is true that I will not again write to you from here. But if not, I will write to you by Flag of Truce from “Distribution”. The Exchange news may all be false or if true it may be some time before we get off. I have not heard where the point of exchange is said to be at. And know Mother and Sisters and friends, it may be some time before we hear again from each other. It may be years before we again see each other. Let us hope for the best. Let us hope the time may soon come when Peace shall again bless our land. May an ever kind providence watch over and shield and protect you all from want, harm and danger. It is my sincere wish and prayers.

My love to you all. Kiss the children for me. Don’t let them forget me. My kind regards to all my old friends. If I go off on exchange, I will write to you by Flag of Truce and give you directions how to write.

Truly yours,

H. B. Dobyns