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106th New York Infantry

Item LTR-382
December 7, 1864 Robert Hill
Price: $225.00


4 page original Civil War soldier's letter written in period ink and war dated.

Camp of the 106th NY
Warren Station, VA
December 7th 1864

Dear sister,

You will undoubtedly be surprised when you hear that we have left the Valley and come down here. For in my last letter I told you that we expected to stay there all winter. But it is hard for a soldier to tell where he is going to stay for we have got to go whenever we are ordered. We left Winchester on the 8th and got to Washington in time to take the boats at noon on the 4th. Arrived at City Point on the 5th and we went into camp this morning. How long we will remain so I cannot tell. We are four miles to the left of Petersburg. I suppose the reason we came down here was that old Abe made a requisition for one hundred more pieces of artillery and as there is none left in the valley. The 6th Corps had to come down here in front of Petersburg and try and get the requisitions filled and I have no doubt that what we will be successful. I am sure we would be if Phil had come along with us but as he has not we must do the best we can. Do not be alarmed if you should hear of stressing times from this quarter in a few days for there is work to be done and we can do it. If we should have a battle I probably will not get a chance to write for a few days. But do not let yourself feel uneasy on my account. For the same overruling power that has protected me through so many dangers, I trust will not leave me now and if it should be my lot to fall I am no better than thousands of them that has gone before. But I do not have any fears for myself and I hope you will not. The Fifth Corps since we came here has moved further to the left. I think they are going to try and swing round to what is called the south side railroad and if they can get possession of the road and hold it probably we will not have any very hand fighting to do here right away. I told you sometime since that I expected to get a furlough sometime this winter. But as well have come down here I cannot tell what chance there will be for it now. But if I should not get one it will not be very long until my time of service is up and then I hope to see you and it will be a great pleasure to me and I think it will be equally so to you. But as my paper is nearly full and it is getting late I will have to bid you good night. Write often as convenient. My respect to all inquiring friends.

From your affectionate brother,

Robert [Hill] (Stamped envelope to his sister is included)