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68th Pennsylvania Infantry

Item LTR-603
April 18, 1863 William H. Whyte
Price: $185.00


3 pages, original Civil War Union letter written in period ink and war dated.

Camp Curtin, Virginia
April 18th 1863

My Dear Sister,

I suppose ‘ere this you have seen Dr. Wilson and that he posted you completely about myself and my health. The day we started I was very, very sick. It was with difficulty I wrote that note introducing him. Then I wrote to you again. Then again I wrote a note home just when we had received orders to move the next morning at 4 o’clock. The evening of the day that we received this order it commenced raining. Rained all night and all next day. The cavalry and light artillery did move but I understand returned today. I believe unsuccessful. We seem to be unfortunate, this Army of the Potomac, the pride of the country, has done much marching, much fighting. But have not accomplished much. It is now in splendid condition and confidence is placed in our leader. It is quite certain we will soon commence our summer campaign. Tonight we received orders to have our sick sent tomorrow morning to Division Hospital, which is a sure indication of a move. I think Monday night will not see us in our old camp or under our marque. The marque has all been turned in. The boys turned in all their blankets. Kept nothing except overcoats, one pair socks, one shirt and pair of drawers and all had to draw a pair of shoes. So we are all ready for action and I do hope when we strike that it may prove a good blow. And mark me 68th and Colonel Tippin will show his enemies that he shows no danger and fears not to go, where any other man dare go. And take his boys with him. He can take the S. L. where no other ones dare take it. We were inspected today by the man that some time ago condemned us. Colonel Tippen had the choice of three to inspect his regiment was. I will take you as once you branded U.S. I will said he, giving me 15 minutes notice to turn out my regiment at any time against anyone in the army. So this time here was no fault found at all. And the inspection said that it was one of the best regiments he ever inspected.

This I send by Harry John. He was just in and told me he was going home. The farm must be weed now, after so much fine weather. The grass green, the oats up, what field are they going to put corn in? Grain, as I see by the papers a tremendous price, at least oats. Corn is not as high in proportion as oats. This is a beautiful spring day and it has been so far this last four or five days. We much soon move. We have 14 days rations of hard tack and pork. Hard tack seems to be doubly at hand as they used to be. Having had so much fresh bread lately. I expect Dr. Wilson tomorrow afternoon. Then I hope to hear from you as I have had no letter this week. I hope this will find you still improving. This fine weather ought to be a very great benefit to you and also to Mother. I hope her cold and cough are both quite well. And if Annie has returned home yet, has she had a headache lately. And I suppose these fine days Pappie is as lively as a cricket. I can just see him jumping around. Has the garden been fenced yet? Well I must close as news out here is rather scarce. Give my best love to Pappie, Mother and Annie. Remember me to my inquiring friends.

Much love to yourself my dear Sister. From your brother,

W. H. Whyte