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126th New York Infantry - Captured at Harper's Ferry

Item LTR-6428
April 25, 1865 George S. Youngs
Price: $175.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages written in period ink.

Provost Guard
Headquarters 2nd Corps
Near Burkesville Junction, VA
April 25, 1865

Dear Louis,

Agreeably to my promise made on my last letter to yourself, I take the present opportunity to write you a few lines in reply to your letters of the 22nd and the 5th inst. We are having some splendid weather and have had for some time past. The past two or three nights have been rather cool for the season but the days are clear and warm. The headquarters have been fixed up in the old summer ‘s style and it does not seem very likely that we shall leave here at present.

A salute of thirteen guns was fired here at daylight this morning and one gun is to be fired at an interval of every half hour until sunset by order of general Grant. I understand that the remains of President Lincoln are to be consigned to the tomb today. I supposed this morning when I was awaken by the salute that official news had been received of the surrender of Johnston’s Army and was quite disappointed when informed of the real cause.

In your letter of the 22nd inst., you say that you are willing to receive letters from E[mma] M[eader] if all other parties are. As for myself, I should be quite willing to have you do so and I have no doubt that E.M. would be quite as willing to trust you in that capacity. But soon after I wrote the letter in which I informed you that I should soon take occasion to write again to Miss Meader, I received information which I consider very trustworthy to the effect that my letters to her would not be answered if written and that information, taken in connection with the fact that the two last letters I had written to her remained unanswered, determined me to abstain from writing again.

In the letter of the 5th inst.,m you mention the receipt of the diary which I mailed previous to breaking camp. I had intended to carry it this summer but I had so many other things that I disliked to throw away, that I concluded to send it home. I presume it was all right. If you attempt to read it, you will have a good time studying it out.

I saw F. D. S. [Frank D. Spring] a few days ago. He looked about the same as usual. He had been home on furlough, I was informed by George Fusselman.

I am looking for a letter from you in answer to mine of the 15th and 16th. I hope to get it this evening. If I do, I shall inflict another letter upon you soon. I do not suppose that I shall feel much like writing when the hot weather comes on and shall make up for the deficiency which is likely to take place then by writing often now. My love to all.

Please write immediately and if you can conveniently, write sooner. Write right away. Write, write, always to your affectionate brother.

George S. Youngs
Provost Guard, Headquarters Second Corps, Army of the Potomac

P.S. I wrote you yesterday but as I was too late for the mail, I enclose yours in the same envelope.