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120th New York Infantry - Wounded at Petersburg

Item LTR-6784
April 8, 1863 Sheldon B. Whittaker
Price: $165.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages written in period ink.

Virginia April 8, 1863
Camp near Falmouth

Cousin Chess,

I embrace the present opportunity of writing you these few lines in hopes that they may find you in the enjoyment of good health. I am getting along tip top myself. I received the letter you sent with the stamps and I am very much obliged to you indeed for them. We have had no pay yet. Yesterday we had a grand review and I saw Old Abe and Fighting Joe and all the rest of the officers of this grand army. I wish that you could have been here to see us then. It cannot be denied that the Army of the Potomac is the finest army in the world. There was between ninety and one hundred thousand men on the review. We were on a large plain about one mile from the city of Fredericksburg and we could see the Johnnys running their troops in their earthworks along the river.

I suppose they thought we were a going to cross. We expect to move every day and then my boy, you will hear of one of the hottest dances that ever came off between us and the Johnnys, for I think they are preparing for us. The boys are getting nervous to make the move and I do not think we will have to wait a great while for the roads are getting first rate.

You did not tell me anything about Abby Tarel. I think she misses me very much in not coming back. Now Chess, you must answer this as soon as you can, as perhaps we may make a move and then I will not get it. I can not speak yet. I have nothing more at present. Give my love to all my friends.

Yours Friendly,

Sheldon B. Whittaker