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21st Massachusetts Infantry - Wounded at Petersburg

Item LTR-8815
May 24, 1863 Francis N. Peckham
Price: $245.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.

Mount Sterling, Kentucky
May 24th 1863

Dear Brother,

I received your letter this morning and now hasten to reply. I am well and glad to hear that you are enjoying the same blessings. I was on picket last night and there was considerable excitement. As the report came into town that the rebels were coming in and take the town but they did not come and I do not think they will. But if they do they will have a good time. There is one regiment of cavalry here and two guns besides our regiment and the conscript act goes into effect tomorrow in this state. And there will be a plenty of troops in this state. General Grant has been giving the rebels fits in Mississippi and he has cut off their communications to Vicksburg and got possession of the long bridge across the Big Black River. I think that if General Hooker and Dupont had been successful this war would have been settled up this summer. But the prospect is good for a two year campaign yet. I have made up my mind that we shall have to stay our time out. But I am in hopes to get home this fall. For I think that I could have a good time. I heard the other day by one of the boys that Miss Gavin had made her appearance at Dana once more and I should like to see her. The next time you write to me let me know about the girls in Dana, for there is not any in this town that can hold a candle with the girls of the Old Boy State.

I am going to write to Fred today and I am going to send for his picture and will not put you to the trouble of getting it for me.

I must draw to a close. Please write soon and send me five dollars for there is no prospect of getting paid off for some time yet. And I cannot get along without a little money. If I was on a march all the time, I should not want any but I am in town where I can buy things to eat. So goodbye.

Write soon.

F. N. Peckham