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10th New Hampshire Infantry - Wounded at Cold Harbor - Execution Witness

Item LTR-9572
November 6, 1863 Charles H. Morrill
Price: $245.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

Portsmouth, VA
November 6, 1863

Dear Mother,

It has been sometime since I wrote to you so I thought that I would try and write you a few lines this evening. My health is very good and hope this will find yours the same. We are having very nice weather. I suppose it is getting to be quite cold there about these times.

There is to be two men shot in our campground tomorrow. They are substitutes and belong to the 8th Connecticut Regiment. Our regiment has got to help form a line around the men that is to be shot. `They have deserted three times. It leads hard to see men shot in this way. There is three of the substitutes of this regiment will have to shot before long. They have got to shoot a few to scare the rest so they never desert. There is a large number of troops here and coming here from North Carolina. I think they are going on a raid up towards Richmond. Don’t think that we should have to go on account of having so many substitutes. If. We had a chance most of them would desert. The boys are all well that came from there.

How does Salem’s wife act, mean does she keep company with Alden’s wife? That wine that you sent me by Lieutenant Chase was nice. I have not tasted any of the cheese but once. Shall keep it to eat when I go on picket. I shall try to get a furlough so to be there Thanksgiving but don’t think there is much of a chance to get a furlough at present. I would like to come (right smart well). (This is a southern phrase). How did Jack act while he was there? He has some hard stories to tell about some of the women here. You well know what the northerns are to tell stories.

Jen will have to put up with a short letter this time for it is almost time to shoot these men and the mail will go out before we get in. I am going to the captain and see if he would let me stay in my quarters for I don’t want to see the poor men shot. I must write a few lines to Sally so I guess that I won’t write anymore this time.

Write as soon as you can and a good, good, long letter and I will try and do the same. I will do the best that I can towards it.

From your loving son,
Charles H. Morrill