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5th New York Cavalry Album

Item CDV-8903
Price: $7500.00


Original Civil War 5th New York Cavalry Album with 30 CDV images. 15 of these soldiers were either wounded or captured. the album includes the following:

1. Colonel John H. Hammond (Brevet Brigadier General)

2. Colonel Amos H. White: WIA & POW at Ashland, VA

3. Lieutenant Colonel Theodore A. Boice:
POW at Barnett’s Farm, VA & Captured by Mosby and received 5 wounds while escaping)

4. Major Abram H. Krom

5. Major James A. Penfield: WIA & POW at Hagerstown, MD

6. Captain Liberty C. Abbott

7. Captain Charles J. Farley: WIA at Buckland’s Mills, VA & Winchester, VA

8. Captain Eugene B. Hayward

9. Surgeon Orlando W. Armstrong

10. Chaplain Louis N. Boudrye

11. 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Sawyer: POW at Orange Court House, VA & WIA at Buckland Mills, VA

12. Captain Frazier A. Boutelle: WIA at Hanover, PA during Gettysburg Campaign

13. N/A

14. Quartermaster Sergeant James Bryant: WIA at Ashland, VA

15. Captain Eugene D. Dimmick: WIA at Hagerstown, MD (Also in 2nd New Jersey Infantry)

16. Captain Jabez Chambers: WIA & POW at Hagerstown, MD

17. Captain Frank A. Munson: WIA at Warrenton, VA

18. Surgeon Orlando W. Armstrong

19. 1st Lieutenant William B. Pickett

20. 1st Lieutenant Merritt N. Chaffee

21. 1st Lieutenant William H. Whitcomb

22. 1st Lieutenant Albert B. Waugh

23. Captain Eugene B. Hayward

24. 1st Lieutenant James McCormick: WIA at Cedar Creek, VA (34th NY Inf & 2nd NY Cav)

25. Hospital Steward & Assistant Surgeon Isaac W. Mead

26. Sergeant Major Lewis J. Gorham: POW

27. Quartermaster Sergeant James Brydon: Wounded at Ashland, VA

28. Sergeant William G. Peckham: WIA at Ashland, VA & Corporal Armstrong B. Place

29. Sergeant Horace J. Orr: POW at Port Republic, VA

30. Artificer Hiram Underhill

31. Unknown male in civilian clothing