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General William Henry French

Item CDV-9902
Price: $325.00


General William H. French
He graduated from the USMA in 1837, served in the Seminole and Mexican Wars, and on garrison duty. In 1861 (as Capt. , 1st US Artillery) he refused to surrender his garrison in Texas, marched them to the Gulf, and sailed to the Federal base at Key West. In September 1861 he was appointed Brigadier General of Volunteers, and commanded the 3rd Brigade/1st Division/II Corps in the Peninsula campaign and at the Seven Days. He commanded the Third Division of the Second Army Corps (under MGen. Edwin V. Sumner) in Maryland.
In November 1862 he was promoted to Major General of Volunteers, and led the Division at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. He commanded the District of Harpers Ferry, then the Third Army Corps at Mine Run. He was relieved of command in May 1864, and served on military boards.
He continued his career Army service at his permanent rank of Lieutenant Colonel, 2nd US Artillery. He was promoted to Colonel, 4th Artillery on 2 July 1877. He was on garrison and administrative duty and retired as Colonel, USA on 1 July 1880.

Backmark: Anthony/Brady
Dated in period ink November 29, 1862