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Medical Director - 17th Army Corps

Item DOC-7524
May 27, 1865 James H. Boucher
Price: $65.00


Original Civil War document written in period ink.

Medical Director’s Office
Cairo, Illinois

April 28th 1862

Special Order No.

Contract Surgeons, Quinlan, Nelson, Whiting, Woodward, Cottle and Steele, will proceed with the wounded and sick, on board Steamer Estella to Saint Louis, and on arriving there, will report to the Medical Director J. J. B. Wright for further orders.

Surgeon Quinlan will attend to all arrangements on board, see, that all proper supplies are put on steamer. That the wounded are properly cared for and on the arrival of the boat at Saint Louis, to report to the Medical Director and see that the patients are placed in Hospital and either return all property of the Government to the Headquarters, or turn them over to an Officer competent to receive them and take his receipt for the same.

The Medical Director at Saint Louis, will furnish or cause to be furnished, to the Surgeons and attendants on board Steamer transportation back to these Headquarters as soon as possible after their services shall be no longer needed. Dr. McMasters will accompany the boat as Chaplain. Accompanying is a list of attendants detailed for trip.

E. C. Franklin
Brigade Surgeon and
Acting Medical Director