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91st New York Infantry - Chaplain

Item LTR-298
March 9, 1864 Edward Barker
Price: $245.00


4 page original Civil War soldier's letter, written in period ink and war dated.

Fort Jackson, LA
March 9th 1864

My Dear Mrs. Brown,

Yours of February 21st came to hand last Sunday. I was glad to hear from you and I am pleased to know that your health still remains good. I hope it may long continue so. As you say, all our health and daily bread and every good thing in this life and in that which is to come is from the “giver of every good and perfect gift.”

I am glad you still feel an interest in the 91st, the chosen regiment of your husband. We are now veterans. We were mustered in on Sunday last in the afternoon. We may start for home about the 1st of April.

Soon after you get this, you may see a letter of mine in the “Albany Evening Journal” which will most likely afford you some pleasure. Yes, nearly all the regiment have re-enlisted. It is a sad necessity. But the country must be saved. And its salvation depends in a very great measure on the veteran troops. It is gratifying to see how manfully that came and reenlist [sic] for three years of the war.

I am glad you begin to feel more resigned to begin to enjoy yourself. St. Paul says we are “not to be sorry as men without hopes for those who sleep in Christ.” But pray that we “may be raised from the death of sin into a life of righteousness.” And Christ says, “I go to prepare a place for you. If it were not so I would have told you.” And again he says, “blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

Therefore, my dear Mrs. Brown take great courage & Jesus will give you strength to finish your work here which has only just begun. It is “in Him we live and move and have our being.” I know it must indeed be to you “a great very affliction” to be this early left alone. God’s ways are past finding out. But to His will we have all to bow in humble submission. “Not my will but thine be done” is the true Christian spirit.

When the regiment comes home, I intend to settle in Albany with my family. That is I shall bring my family there and return with the Regiment to this Department at the end of furlough. I think of settling on Troy Road somewhere. I shall be pleased to see you at my home while I am at home.

If anything should prevent us from coming home, and you will write me I shall always be delighted to answer your letters. Remember my address is Chaplain Edw Barker, 91st New York, New Orleans, LA.

I remain yours sincerely,

Edward Barker
Chaplain, 91st New York