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70th & 71st New York Infantry - Excelsior Brigade Surgeon

Item LTR-60
August 22, 1861 James Ash
Price: $185.00


2 pages in period ink

Camp McClellan
Good Hope near
Washington D.C.
August 22, 1861
Meyers Edwards Esq.
Germantown, PA

Dear Meyers

After leaving Germantown I went to Camp Scott D.C. where I went into camp life and was quite pleased with it near New York near the Bay and a great number of visitors every day made it very gay and pleasant. I was disappointed in not getting a Surgeons commission and accepted that of Assistant Surgeon to the 2nd Regiment when the 1st Regiment left. I came on with them as acting Surgeon of the 1st and am now permanently attached to the 1st but am in hopes of being appointed Surgeon of the 5th which just arrived last night from Staten Island, provided they have no surgeon which they had not a few days ago. We were first near Washington on Meridian Hill but are now across the Branch of the Potomac near the Maryland line where an attack was expected a few days ago but the excitement has blown over and we are now very quite. I have got to be quite an early riser from compulsion entirely I can assure. Reveille beats at half past 4 after which time I do not sleep much. Breakfast at seven, attend sick call at eight, which at present last until about 10. At the other camps when I was alone we had many more sick it usually lasts until 12 O’clock. But in this camp we are very healthy. I have not been in Washington often and only on business then. I have not had much chance of visiting the Public Buildings, which are about the only attraction there is. I saw Dr. Green two weeks ago. His camp was quite near ours but we are now separated and I do not know where to find him. Write to me soon and tell me all the news as I have none to tell you. I suppose F. Tourtelat has handed my resignation to the Board of Managers. When my account is settled give what is due me to my sister and she will give you a receipt for it. My kind regards to your wife and family and all inquiring friends. Also to the Board of Managers, Mr. Rittenhouse and all the teachers. I hope the schoolhouse is near ready. Goodbye and believe me yours truly.

James Ash