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Summit House General Hospital, Philadelphia, PA - Hospital Chaplain

Item MED-7763
August 6, 1864 Chaplain Thomas S. Thomas
Price: $220.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

U.S.A. General Hospital
Summit House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

August 6th 1864

R. L. Farnham, Esq.


Your letter of the 1st inst. to Dr. Leavitt has been referred to me by that officer for answer. Mr. Newman’s wound was in his groin and at first appeared very slight. He walked about and even rode into town, after he came here. This activity, I fear, aggravated the injury and it afterwards became gangrenous resulting in fatal hemorrhage. For some time before his death, his mind was very much disordered, though at times he became rational. He did not appear to suffer much. I think, he apprehended a fatal issue, as in a letter written for him by a comrade. He expressed some wishes as to the disposition of his property. As, however, I can get no clear or positive account of this from the man who wrote, I think it best not to repeat what he says. None of his friends were with him, but he was kindly and well cared for by his attendant and Doctor. In his moments of hallucination, he was heard to speak of two children. We all supposed him to be a single man and this may have been entirely incorrect.

As to his effects, they are in charge of the Surgeon in Charge of the hospital for the government, unless a duly authorized nearest relative claims them.

Yours truly,

T. Snowden Thomas