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38th Alabama Infantry - Wounded & Captured at Missionary Ridge

Item CON-10128
June 23, 1864 John P. Seabrook
Price: $285.00


Original Civil War Confederate POW letter. 1 pages written in period ink.

Fort Delaware
June 23rd 1864

My Dear Friend,

Having but little to interest me within my prison walls, and aware that my communications will be kindly received, I will gladly avail myself of the privilege granted me of writing to you occasionally. Having neither relatives nor acquaintances within the federal lines, except these, who like myself, are prisoners, my correspondence is very limited. Indeed, I have received but two letters in seven months. One from yourself, the other from home.

Most of my brigade were captured with me. But being wounded and confined for three months in hospital at Chattanooga, I became separated from them and have never met with any of them since. Except Captain Wright. We do not know where the balance of the officers of our brigade are. But suppose they are at Johnson’s Island. I heard indirectly, a few days since, from my cousin Asa K. Seabrook, private in my company. He is at Rock Island, Illinois, Barracks 18.

I am making moderate progress in my studies and meet with nothing that I am unable to master. We have a lyncean in progress. Open semi-weekly. Religious service is held daily and for some time a revival has been going on in our midst. The Reverend Dr. Handy, a political prisoner, officiates.

I have the honor to be,

Very Truly Your Friend,

John P. Seabrook

Mrs. Susan L. Taylor