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20th Tennessee Infantry - Johnson's Island

Item CON-10140
November 6, 1863 Frank M. Battle
Price: $285.00


Original Confederate POW letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

Johnson’s Island
November 6th 1863

Mrs. Susan L. Taylor

Dear Madame,

I received a letter from your son on the 4th inst. which afforded me great pleasure. I wrote to you immediately but I thought you wouldn’t get the letter. Enclosed in this letter I put $10 dollars and furthermore he stated that you would furnish me with some under clothing. I lost some of my clothing coming here and I am in much need of some at present. I find myself missing two under shorts and one over shirt and a few collars. If you will furnish me with the above articles, I will be happy to remember the obligations. I am exactly the size of my brother, Joel, being the same height and weight. I have heard him speak of your family so often that you all appear as acquaintances. I would love writing to your son. But he spoke of leaving home and I shan’t know where to direct my letters. Thank him for me for his kindness and tell him I will be happy to return the favor under better circumstances.

I haven’t’ heard from home yet. I feel uneasy about my dear Mother and Sisters. I am in hopes that I would hear from them soon. Write soon as you get this.

Very Respectfully,
Frank Battle