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2nd Battalion North Carolina Infantry - POW Letter - Wounded & Captured at Gettysburg

Item CON-10519
December 31, 1863 Wharton J. Green
Price: $525.00


Original Confederate Civil War POW letter written in period ink.

Wharton J. Green was a lawyer from Warren County, North Carolina, who enlisted in April of 1861 as a Private and would have been a Brigadier General as President Jefferson Davis sent his nomination to Congress, but as it was late in the war, never acted upon!

While serving with General Junius Daniel at the battle of Gettysburg in Roses' Division, on the first day, and at the time that Union General Reynolds was killed, Green received a severe wound in the head. During the retreat he was captured by Kilpatrick's Cavalry. There is a great story in Gettysburg Magazine No. 2, he stole Custer's buggy! He was captured and imprisoned first at Fort Delaware and then Johnson's Island. After the war, he became a Congressman from North Carolina's 3rd District.

Johnson’s Island, OH

December 31st 1863

My Dear Addie,

Yours of the 12th inst. conveying the melancholy but not unexpected news of my dear Father’s death came to hand on day before yesterday. And I hasten to reply. It is indeed a sad thing to reflect that neither Mother no myself could be with him in his last moments. I feel spurred though that you, dear Addie, were as devoted and assiduous in your attentions upon him as if he had been your own Father. God bless you for it! You have now a heavy responsibility devolving upon you until my return, but I doubt not that you will prove in every respect competent to it. Do not you and Esther permit yourselves to become despondent. Keep up your spirits like brave girls and hope for better times. All will yet be well. Do not allow yourselves or my beloved daughter to run the slightest risk that can possibly be avoided. Remember that my entire happiness is now centered in my little domestic circle, which is more to me than the rest of the world and all its honors. I wrote Dr. Ward last week appointing him administrator with power to sell and receipt, etc.. I also wrote my dear wife three days later, both of which I trust have come to hand. If you require aid or assistance, call on Dr. Ward or J. Baxton Williams. Have enclosed your letter to Mother under cover of one to Sarah Maria. She was well three days ago. God bless you all.

Very truly,

Your cousin,

W. J. Green

I am well. Write often.

P.S. May the incoming prove a happier new year to you all than the last. W. G.