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5th Georgia Infantry - Wounded at Chickamauga

Item CON-5538
November 18, 1861 William D. Kiddoo
Price: $265.00


4 pages, original Civil War soldier's letter written in period ink and war dated.

Pensacola Florida
November 18, 1861

Dear Joe,

Your letter was received some time ago. I have been too lazy, busy, and too sick to answer it. I had dysentery for about a week, confined to bed about three days, which is a long time for me. I am all right again. Previous to my sickness we had been building our houses. We have a room fifteen by eighteen feet. In one room is three beds nailed up to the wall, strong and steady. Our beds, James, Sam’s, Johns and mine are as comfortable in every way as any bed need to be. In fact, as comfortable as mine was at home. The beds cut off one end of the room under which (the beds) all our luggage is put. A space is left – eleven and a half by fifteen feet for our table, two couches and a few stools as you will see is enough for as many more people as we have. We have been talking of buying a small stove (seven or eight dollars) but I do not think it is worthwhile for the cold weather we will have here. Now is the first cold spell we have had this month. It has been hot enough to be uncomfortable and now it is not cold enough for fire.
(nine o’clock morning) John has just received Tom’s letter. We are speaking of ordering a carpet and a piano forte. We have made arrangements by which was are able to keep things a while yet – how long I do not know. Three new regiments have arrived and one old has left here in the last three or four days. Gen. Bragg is anticipating an attack from Lincoln’s Armada but I suppose every commander on the coast is looking for the same thing. The Yanks will not find a Port Royal when they attempt to enter this bay. Whenever any boxes are sent from home they should be addressed to Major Calhoun, Montgomery, Alabama. And Capt. S. McLanier Assistant Quartermaster C.S.A. Pensacola, Fla. We have never got anything through free yet for the reason that it was not marked right. We do not need anything now. We are just commencing to use the last meal sent us. We lost the peas in both the last by the trunk and box bottom bursting and all the peas spilling out. Well Joe how do you and that curly headed Miss Brooks get along now? Do you go over every Sunday yet? Or have you miss that out yet and commenced a new one? IJ was about to forget the most important inquiry you made about the gun. I have no objection to your using my gun provided you will take good care of it if PA is willing. Who objected to your using it? No one except Pa or Ma had a right to. I do not think however that you can begin to pay for powder and shot at present prices. You must write me and give me all the news. Tell me what everybody is doing. What all the little girls are doing. Who teaches my Sunday school class?

Your brother Wm. D. Kiddoo