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7th Tennessee Infantry - Gettysburg Officers

Item CON-6241
August 19, 1862 Norris, Shepard & Archer
Price: $245.00


Origina Confederate Civil War document written in period ink and war dated. Document is a certificate of discharge for Private Daniel F. Kirkpatrick of the 7th TN Infantry.

Army of the Confederate States
Certificate of Seniority for Discharge

I certify that Daniel F. Kirkpatrick, a private of Captain A. D. Norris’ Company K, of the 7th Regiment of Confederate States Tennessee Volunteers, was enlisted by Captain Robert Hatton of the 7th Regiment of Tennessee at Nashville in the State of Tennessee on the twentieth day of May 1861 to serve one year. He was born in Wilson County in the State of Tennessee, is thirty-five years and six months of age, five feet seven inches high, dark complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair and by occupation when enlisted a saddler.

Said soldier is now entitled to a discharge from service by reason of seniority. He having served one year and the additional ninety days required by an act of Congress approved April 16th 1862.

Station Orange Court House VA
Date August 19th 1862

A. D. Norris, Captain
Commanding Company

Discharged this 19th day of August 1862 at Orange Court House VA.

Samuel G. Shepard, Major
Commanding Regiment


Certificate of Seniority for Discharge in the case of David F. Kirkpatrick, a private of Company K, 7th Regiment Tennessee Volunteers.


Samuel G. Shepard, Major
Commanding Regiment

Discharge ordered by command of Brigadier General Archer.

R. H. Archer

Signatures include:

Captain Archibald Debow Norris: At Gettysburg, on July 3,1863, the 7th was part of Archer's (Fry's) Brigade, Heth's (Pettigrew's) Division and advanced with the Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble charge. The 7th lost three color bearers in front of the wall when Capt. Archibald D. Norris tore the flag from it's staff, stuffed it in his jacket and retreated to Confederate lines. He was also captured at Hatcher's Run, VA on April 2, 1865.

Major Samuel Shepard: Led the 7th TN during Pickett's charge at Gettysburg on July 3, 1863. Shepard commanded the 7th TN until the end of the war.

Captain Robert Harris Archer: Served on the staff of his brother, General James J. Archer. Robert was captured during the Gettysburg Campaign on July 5th 1863 at Greencastle, PA. He was captured a second time on April 24, 1865.