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5th Virginia Cavalry - Captured at Aldie and Yellow Tavern, VA

Item CON-6495
November 29, 1864 Fontaine C. Boston
Price: $345.00


Original Civil War Prisoner of War Confederate letter, 1 page written in period ink.

Fort Delaware
November 29th 1864

My dear Cousin,

Your welcome letter of the 17th I received a few days since, and in answering it, am sorry that I have nothing to write that will either entertain or amuse you. The fact is, there is a perfect death of news and you will therefore prepare yourself for a very poor letter.

The books you sent me I read with a great deal of pleasure and since you are so kind as to propose to send me others, I will ask that you send me a rough copy of Shakespeare. This you know will last me a long time. I liked the “Small House of Allington” more than the other and was highly amused at the unsophisticated youth, John Eame. The story though, seems unfinished I think. I suppose there will be a sequel some of these days.

I was pleased to hear that Capt. S. has been exchanged and I hope Col. Luse will soon be off. I visited Mrs. Kean’s in March and learned that William had had a furlough and left only a few days before I got here. He is in one of the companies of the Richmond howitzers, though I do not know by whom it is commanded. Do you know his sisters! I was surprised to find Nannie so entirely grown – and she is now a fine looking lady. No news from Brother and as I have filled the regulation page will close. My kind regards to all and believe me as ever, Your attached cousin, F. C. Boston

Miss Virginia J. Miller
248 F. Street