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17th Mississippi Infantry & Waul's Texas Legion

Item CON-72
September 8, 1862 Samuel C. Upshaw
Price: $275.00


3 page original Civil War soldier's letter written in period ink and war dated.

Holly Springs [Mississippi]
September 8th 1862

Brigadier General Ruggles

Dear Sir,

In consequence of my former acquaintance and friendly intercourse, which existed between us some years since, I take the liberty of addressing you upon a matter relative to myself. I wish to get your assistance and aid in getting some new position in the Army.

I am now a private in a Cavalry company attached to Waul’s (Thomas N.) Legion, Texas Volunteers. Heretofore, I have been an officer in an infantry regiment from this state in Virginia. I had the pleasure of sharing the glories of the Battle of Manassas No. 1.

I profess to know something of infantry tactics. I should, therefore, very much like to occupy some position in your staff.

If you can do anything to better my present condition, please let me know immediately by letter addressed to me at this place. I will be on leave for a week.

I wrote you at Baton Rouge, but suppose you have not received my letter. I will be here for a week.

I remain.

Most Respectfully Yours,

Sam. C. Upshaw