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41st Alabama Infantry - Surrendered at Appomattox

Item CON-8577
November 9, 1862 J. C. Sutton
Price: $385.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

Fort Gaines, Alabama
November 9th 1862

My Dear Sister,

I received your letter dated October 12th on the 1st inst. and was glad to hear that you were all in common health. Though I am very sorry to hear that brothers Benton and Franklin were not well when you heard from them. But I hope they are enjoying good health by this time and have already been permitted to rejoin their regiment. And that honor and success will yet attend their efforts in behalf of our country. I hear that General Cobb has been ordered to report to General Beauregard. But I do not know whether his Brigade is to go with him or not. But I suppose it will. If it does, I think I will try to get a transfer to the regiment and where brothers Bent and Frank are. But I do not wish to be moved from this place to Virginia at this season of the year. For this is as warm climate. There not having been any frost or ice here this winter as yet. And if they stay with the 24th Georgia Regiment and I can find out where they are, I can get a transfer anytime. I am in a good company and have the best captain in the world I reckon. And I got along the best kind with all the regiment or Battalion A is now. But I want to be with my dear brothers. So please do give me any information on the subject that you can.

The health of the soldiers here are not all together as good as it was in warmer weather. The flux and colds are very prevalent now and we have now two deaths in our little battalion. Lately we had only about three during the summer. General Forney has left us and General Slaughter is in command of our Brigade but I do not know him. I have no new news of interest to write. All appears to be still perhaps awaiting the issue of the elections, in the northern states. All appear to think that a great deal depends upon the Democratic Party north. And somehow, I am inclined to think that we will be blessed with peace and wholesome laws. And the privileges of free men are long notwithstanding the dark cloud that now threatens to shed its torrent of iron and leaders hail upon us and destroy our property, our liberty, our lives. It is not impossible that an all wise providence should devise means to restore peace to a troubled land. And I trust he will do it if the people will be always steadfast in the performance of their duties toward him. May we all be enabled to God who is the ruler of nations and against whom none need wheeled a sword or thrust a dart. And who is always ready to hear and answer prayers. Lee, Beauregard, Johnson, Jackson, Davis may fail but God almighty never lost a battle.

The boat is coming and I must close. Excuse this time your brother for writing this disconnected and scattering sketch for my mind is shattered from Virginia to home, then at Batesville, then home and no anchor to my soul but hope.

Your affectionate brother,

J. C. Sutton

To Miss N. C. Sutton