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64th New York Infantry - Sutler Tax

Item DOC-5746
April 13, 1864 William Glenny & David Mosher
Price: $145.00


Original Civil War document. 1 page written in period ink.

Headquarters 64th NY Vols
April 13 – 1864

At a meeting of the Council of Administration convened by Special Orders No.___
bearing date 13th inst. Captain Wm Glenny presiding, a tax of five (5) cents a month per man was levied upon John Mosher, Sutler, 64th Regiment N.Y. Vols., for the period of three months and a half, from Jany 1st to April 15th 1864 inclusive, the average strength being for the time stated, one hundred & ninety six (196) and the sum amounting to thirty four & 30/100 dollars $34.30.

William Glenny, Capt
E Co, 64th NYV & President of the Board

Lewis H. Fassett
Capt Co I, 64th NYV

The proceedings above are approved.
Leman W. Bradley
Major Comdy Regt