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Court Martial Document - 5th New York Infantry & 10th VRC

Item DOC-6545
November 7. 1865 Edward Brunner
Price: $145.00


Original Civil War Court Martial Charges and Specifications against Private Edward S. Brunner of 10th VRC (Prior service in 5th New York Infantry).

Headquarters Company E
10th Regiment
Veteran Reserve Corps

Camp Fry, Washington, DC
November 7, 1865

Charges and Specifications preferred against Private Edward S. Brunner of Company E, 10th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps.

Charge 1: Disrespect to his commanding officer in violation of the sixth article of war.

Specification: In this that he private Edward S. Brunner of Company E, 10th Regiment, VRC, did after being furnished with the full ration by Private Otto Behrends of same company tell him the said Behrends to carry it back to Captain Henry R. White commanding said company and tell him Captain Henry R White to stick it up his arse for the purpose of making a company fund. All this at Camp Fry, Washington, DC on or about the 20th day of September 1865.

Charge 2: Drunkenness to the prejudice of good order and military discipline.

Specification: In this that he Private Edward S. Brunner of Company E, 10th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, did become so drunk as to unfit him to perform any of the duties of a soldier. All this at Camp Fry, Washington, DC on or about the 7th day of November 1865.

Henry R. White
Commanding Company E
10th Regiment, VRC

1st Sergeant Fred K. Lewis, Company E, 10th VRC
Private Otto Behrends, Company E, 10th VRC