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1st Massachusetts Infantry & 36th United States Colored Troops

Item DOC-7451
January 4, 1864 Hiram W. Allen
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War document, written in period ink.

Head Quarters Colored Troops
Norfolk and Portsmouth
Norfolk, VA. January 4, 1864

Major S. C. Harbert, Paymaster,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communications of December 28, and afford the information required, as far as possible:

1st Lieutenant H. W. Allen enlisted May 23, 1861; 1st Lieutenant S. E. Day enlisted May 23, 1861. 2nd Lieutenant O. A. Hendrick is absent on leave of Absence. As soon as he returns, I will get the information and send to you.

Apropos of the above, I have given Lieutenant Cunningham, our recruiting officer at Newbern, authority to draw from you my bounty, together with my discharge paper. Pay the same to him at once if not already done.

H. W. Allen
1st Lieutenant and AAAG
Wild’s Brigade