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3rd United States Cavalry - Brevet Brigadier General - Brigade Movement Orders

Item DOC-9053
July 15, 1861 William Stretch Abert
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War General Order signed by Captain William S. Abert, 3rd United States Cavalry (Brevet Brigadier General).

Headquarters, 7th Brigade, 3rd Division
Martinsburg, Virginia

15 July 1861

General Orders
No. 3

The Brigade will, incompliance with orders from Headquarters Department of Pennsylvania, just received, march this morning. Breakfast will be served, tents struck, wagons packed and the troops be made ready to march before 4 ½ o’clock a.m.. Two days rations will be carried in haversacks and 40 rounds of ammunition in the cartridge boxes. A platoon will be detailed from each regiment to act as rear guard to its wagon train.

The wagon train of the several regiments will be assembled and will move in rear of the division under the direction of the Brigade Quartermaster to when the regimental quartermasters will report at Brigade Headquarters at 4 ½ o’clock.

The 17th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Patterson’s First Regiment Philadelphia Artillery) will march at 4 ½ o’clock by the Main Street of Martinsburg to a point somewhat beyond the present encampment of the 8th Brigade, where it will halt until the brigade shall be assembled.

Perkin’s two sections of artillery will follow the march of Patterson’s Regiment.

The 1st New Hampshire Infantry (Tappans’) will follow Perkin’s Battery.

The 9th Regiment New York State Militia (Siles’) with its section of artillery in front will follow the New Hampshire first and the 25th Pennsylvania (Cakes’) will bring up the rear of the Brigade.

The company of cavalry temporarily attached to the Brigade will lead the column and the Colonel commanding will generally be found with that company.

The troops will be kept closed in marching as will the wagons in the train. The DC Volunteers will act as a guard to the baggage train of the brigade.

By order of Colonel Stone.

William S. Abert
Captain, 3rd Cavalry