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1st New York Infantry - Civil War Games

Item LTR-10134
January 29, 1863 John Frederick Pierson
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

1st Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry
January 29, 1863

My Dear Father,

Major Yeamans arrived last night bringing the robe and games you so kindly sent to me. It was fortunate the skin came last night for it proved to be a terribly cold, blowing, stormy one – the worst we have yet had. Snow lays upon the ground six inches deep and over some six inches of mud. Today the Sun shines meltingly and you can infer the effect upon the surface of terra firma.

I played last night by way of inebriation with most all your presents. First I played checkers with a major of the 3rd Michigan, who had come over on a visit, then Crib, Old Sledge or High-Low, etc., Euchre and the great western game of “Whiskey Poker” but minus the first part of this borre knife title.

I have succeeded in getting Yeamans mustered in all right. A man of my regiment wishes to send some $56 dollars to his mother in England and I have taken the amount and now request that you will have Charley or some one purchase that amount of exchange and send it as per receipt within. I do not know the rate of exchange and so can not say the exact amount, but suppose you can but about eleven pounds or more. If you get triplicate bills please have one sent to me for the satisfaction of the man.

I enclose $350-three hundred and fifty dollars. Check #995 of Dwight Bannister Paymaster U.S.A. dated January 26, 1863, my order, on the assistant treasurer of the United States at New York for:
Three hundred dollars
Fifty dollars in notes
Which please have passed to my credit in account.

Debit me with the $56 dollars to buy exchange and please have the receipt of this letter acknowledged promptly, as I shall feel somewhat anxious.

Your affectionate son,

Nothing yet from Hooker about Yeamans!