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114th Ohio Infantry

Item LTR-10470
May 5, 1864 Caleb Glick
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.

Alexandria, Louisiana

May 5th 1864

Dear Parents and Brothers,

I take the present opportunity to seat myself and try and drop you a few lines informing you that I am well and enjoying good health at the present time. And hope when this reaches you, that it may find you enjoying the same blessing.

At the present time, I am not with the regiment. But was detailed before we left Orleans to drive a Brigade Team. And I am at this time with the team. We have four mules instead of six at each wagon.

The town of Alexandria is right smart of a place right on the Red River. The enemy is not over two miles away from here. Last night at 7 o’clock they made their appearance and drove our pickets in. Then threw a few shells into the camp but were soon put to fight when our batteries opened out on them. This morning, part of our forces made an advance and artillery and musketry has been heard all day.

Yesterday, we got some bad news, which was that the 120th Ohio Volunteer Infantry were on their way to this place and were attacked by a gang of rebels. And what was not killed, was captured and the boat burned. Cannon was heard from down the river all last night and the biggest part of today.

You must not look for a long letter from me this time. For I have to be in a hurry. For no telling what time we may be ordered away from here. Therefore, I must keep everything in readiness. So I will bring this short letter to a close by sending my love and respects to all. Hoping to hear from you soon.

I still remain your affectionate Son and Brother,
