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4th & 138th Pennsylvania Infantry

Item LTR-10487
July 1, 1861 Allen Quarrmby
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

Camp Hale near Alexandria

July 1st 1861

Dear Jane,
I received your letter. I was glad to hear of you and the children being well. I stand it pretty well myself, thank God for it. Since we encamped here, our men have had a great deal of sickness of dysentery. However, they are all getting better. Our drinking water is very bad.
I am sorry to have to tell you all our men won’t get home alive. Two of our poor fellows was shot down while on picket guard. However, they had to pay the penalty; two or three of the Rebels was shot also. It was at two o’clock in the morning. Our company was marched to the place about two miles. However, the Rebels made their escape. They were mounted rifle men. We may have to fight any minute, more particularly in the night time. Our men are ready to give them a warm reception—that is, if they attack us.

I rather think we will get home without a battle after all. But you must bear in mind, we may get orders to march southwards any moment. If we do, our men will go with a will and fight for the Union to the last, if required. I rather think we will be at home in two weeks with the help of God.

I have nothing more to say, only take care of yourself and the children. Give my respects to all enquiring friends.
Your husband,
Allen Quarmby

When you direct your letters, put my name the first that is on the top so:
For Allen Quarmby, care of Captain Cooke, 4th Regiment, Company K, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Washington, DC