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61st Ohio Infantry

Item LTR-10491
January 24, 1864 Jacob F. Mader Jr.
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.

Lookout Valley, Tennessee

January 24th 1864

Miss Mary,

I received yours of January 11th and was glad to hear from you. And please accept my thanks for the prompt execution of the duties imposed on you. I have not yet received the box. But expect to in a few days. And then we will be festive for a while. When I sent the order to you, I did not expect it to be less than fort dollars. By this you can see that I am pleased with the cost and in all probability, will be the same with the box when it arrives. I express my thanks to Susan and Caty for the articles they sent me. When I receive the box, I will make the necessary complimentary or otherwise as the case may be.

Today is Sunday and we had a nice inspection and the Colonel complimented my company very much. Before I got the company to command, they were called the scalawags of the regiment. But now there is no company in the regiment that will surpass it. And but very few that can come up to it in drill, inspection, good conduct and good personal appearance. Two of my company have died since we came back from Knoxville. Today, Company G buried one man and Company D lost one a few days ago. And there are about ten or fifteen in the regiment that will soon follow.

You must not grieve yourself about me becoming a veteran. For it has entirely played out in the regiment. There was one time that every man would have enlisted. But it is played out now.

We have had some very fine weather for the last few days. But think it will not last very long. I have all my company work done and I am not as busy as I have been for four weeks past.

Hoping these lines may find you well and that I may have the pleasure of folding in my arms the gal I left behind by the first of March. I will bring my letter to a final conclusion by remaining,

Miss Mary, yours most truly,

J. F. Mader, Jr.

1st Lieutenant
Company B
61st Ohio
1st Brigade, 3rd Division
11th Corps