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5th & 3rd Michigan Infantry - Wounded & Captured at White Oak Swamp

Item LTR-10492
October 26, 1864 Isaac N. Lerich
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

Headquarters, 3rd Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry
Nashville, Tennessee

October 26th 1864

Dear Parents,

I take the present opportunity to write a few lines to you. Not knowing when I may have another chance. We arrived at Nashville all safe on the 24th and are now quarters at the Talacapher House, the largest hotel in the city and once the most aristocratic house in Tennessee. But now kept by Uncle Sam. We leave tomorrow for Decatur, Alabama, where you will direct all mail. I have just received my Cornish and will send it with this to you for safe keeping. It is of no use to me here unless I get promoted. And I know there is no danger of that.

We have a splendid Colonel, splendid Lieutenant Colonel, splendid line officers (myself excepted) and a most splendid regiment of men. And when we get a little more drill, if we don’t do some splendid fighting, I am most wonderfully mistaken.

I must now close, as I am officer of the day and expected to be everywhere present. Give my love to all. Tell everybody to write and don’t forget to yourself. Will write again at next stopping place.

Your affectionate son,

I. N. Lerich
Company I
3rd Michigan Infantry

A kiss for Linkey.