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74th Illinois Infantry

Item LTR-10558
January 31, 1863 Frederick W. Stegner
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

In Camp Near Murfreesboro

January 31st 1863

Friend Davis,

Our favor of date the 28th inst. I received last night. I am sorry that you could not get a pass to come and see us here in camp. But the will of those who constitute the “powers that be” is at times very arbitrary. I thought on reading your letter “certainly I can get a pass for Sam.” I though my acquaintance with the Provost Marshall General would be all that was required but orders are preempting and I failed.

We are very anxious to hear from Thomas Jennewine whose discharge was understood you had come to obtain. I fear for Tom as we have heard nothing from him whatever since the battle. Although Lieutenant Cronemiller and myself started twice to find him in the field hospital and spend the bigger part of each day in the attempt without success.

I am glad to learn that the boys are getting along as well as you say. For that hospitals are hardly the thing in which to find men doing first rate. As for Ed Bramin, I was just on the eve of writing and ascertain how he was. Had nothing reliable from him for some time. As I am now commander of the company (the captain’s resignation having been accepted) anything I can do to help you in the matter will be a pleasure to me. There are several more cases for discharge in the company, which I will set working as soon as possible. Ole Anderson and Levi Sanders, both should be discharged. J. B. Rowray and F. M. Dametz’s discharges are on the way of going through the mill and I hope will soon come out complete. Rowray’s eyes are very much affected and Dametz has had a return of epileptic fits. The general health of the boys now is pretty fair. We are pretty badly hinged up from the effects of a foraging expedition yesterday just now. As for myself, I am improving. I am however still much below par in strength.

As regards the matter you mention of Captain trying to get up a feeling against me. I regret our Captain are that way, such is the fact. I am however happy to inform you that it will all amount to nothing. The total strength that faction are John Mularky and personal friends about ten in number. The trouble is, I enforced discipline. Something which Captains I know nothing about. But as this matter must fall still born to the ground. My intention is to pass it over with a little notice as possible. The only time I regret is the countenance the captain has given to reports at home concerning my treatment of the boys. Which reports he knows to be false. But even this I can forgive as a little time will give the lie to every one of them.

The captain is quite unwell this evening, having had a bad chill this afternoon. He intends starting for home tomorrow morning.

I remain yours truly,

F. W. Stegner