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3rd Rhode Island Heavy Artillery

Item LTR-10617
January 4, 1863 George Metcalf
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

Hilton Head

January 4, 1863

Dear Edwin,

I received yours of 30th yesterday and have today got your pay, $192.01 and got a check for $200 to send to Alf. Enclosed you will find $67, of which $42 is yours and $25 I want you to pay to Dr. Grosvenor and take his receipt.

The Fulton is in but I have heard no news. Lieutenant Irwin returned on her. The mail will be attended to hereafter by the officers of Company C. The last mail went to Folly Island by mistake and was returned here before it was assorted. I have your coat, caps and haversack and will send them the first opportunity. You ask what is the matter with Company C. I do not know of anything. Captain James is fixing up his camp in good style. He has drawn 1,600 feet of lumber to build stables and floor the men’s tents and I think he is doing very well. His officers are not of much account.

Henry has been sick a good deal and Sabin and Oakes talk of resigning. I wish you would ask the Quartermaster to do one the favor to have those articles I condemned for Lieutenant Smith marked I.C. A marking pot and brush will do it. Same came from Folly Island while I was at Pulaski and was carried to the General Hospital sick with dysentery. He is much better now. Almost well, I think, but rather weak. He has begged me every day to bring him to my tent. But the doctor did not think it best until today. I shall bring him here tomorrow if it is a pleasant day.

Sarah and Georgy are well. Sarah went about too much as first and was rather tired. She sends love. How is Fred? Give my respect to the Adjutant, Quartermaster, Chaplain and all the rest. If you want anything done here, just let me know and I will attend to it. I shall have more spare time for I am to have an Inspector for Colonel Barton’s Brigade and one for Colonel Hawley’s, both reporting to me and I shall only inspect the Artillery and Cavalry. The whole battalion of cavalry is here now. The 7th New Hampshire Volunteers is at Fort Helena and that and the 7th Connecticut are armed with Spencer Rifles.

I shall see you again soon.

Truly Your Brother,
