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23rd New York Infantry - Abraham Lincoln Content

Item LTR-10698
July 17, 1861 Morton Spencer
Price: $425.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.

July 17, 1861

Dear Parents,

I now take my pen in hand to let you know how I get along. I am well except a dull headache I have had since last 24 hours ago.

I was on guard yesterday for not being at dress parade or not having an excuse. But I stood well enough, but it was hard to keep from going to sleep. But I don’t do anything today to pay for it.

I have just seen Old Abe Lincoln. We was presented with two flags, one from the State and one from Elmira. Nice looking flags they are too. Abe and his cabinet was present at the presentation of the flags. Abe looked pretty well and awful long. He would make a good hop pole.

I should not wonder if we went to the Navy Yard yet, a mile or so below Washington.

I went to the Smithsonian Institute the other day. There saw sights that I never thought of. Snake, birds, animals and anything you can think of, presents from foreign and our own nation.

I did not go to the Patent Office, as I calculated I was so late.

I sent you a paper yesterday morning with the war news instead of writing.

There is 100 or 200 folks here from Elmira today. It is growing dark and I must hurry for I have not had supper. The Union Regiment has gone into Virginia at Manassas Junction, went yesterday.

Write soon as you get this.

Yours in love,

Morton L. Spencer
Washington, DC

In care of Captain M. N. Loydon
23rd Regiment, Company B, New York State Volunteers