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4th New York Cavalry - Medal of Honor

Item LTR-107
January 31, 1863 Louis P. Di Cesnola
Price: $475.00


2 pages in period ink:

Headquarters Fourth New York Cavalry
Commanded by Colonel L. P. Di Cesnola

January 31st 1863

To his Excellency
Governor H. Seymour


My Regiment by sickness and vacancies existing in the Regiment since several months is reduced with three commissioned officers duly present for duty.

I have some weeks ago sent you a list of names recommending them to you for promotion. I send now the bearer for the purpose of respectfully urging their appointment as the good of the service so imperiously requires.

The persons recommended by me are not civilians or favorites of mine but are thoroughly soldiers and worthy of promotion as they since long months they are acting as such.

I most respectfully recommend you those names since some weeks in the Adjutant General’s office at Albany.

This Regiment is here in the very advance of all the Army of the Potomac without tents and in the snow and mud skirmishing with the enemy daily.

The want of officers is therefore heavily felt here.

I am Governor with the greatest respect

Your most obedient Servant
Colonel Di Cesnola
4th N. Y. Cavalry
Commanding, Cavalry Brigade