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8th New York Cavalry

Item LTR-368
February 17, 1863 Daniel D. Main
Price: $175.00


3 page original Civil War soldier's letter written in period ink and war dated.

Belle Plain Landing, Va
Feb 17, 1863

I will write to you to let you know that I have sent 40 dollars to you by express. The money went from here yesterday the 16 of Feb. I think the money will get there as soon as this letter will. So you may look for it as soon as you get the letter.
I have not got any answer from my last letters that I have written to you yet. I have paid the freight on the money here and I suppose you will have to pay it there too – that is the way they play it on soldiers here. I want you to answer this as soon as you get it if you will so I shall know about it. I have not got much more to write to you this time. I am well and tough as ever.
I think that we shall move from here this week & I don’t know where we shall go but I think we shall go a good ways from here. But direct your letters the same as you always have.
If we go down to North Carolina, I will send you a box of oranges. I suppose they are very plenty there.
There is a good many nice things here in Virginia that I should like to take home with me when the war is over if I should live – such as sheep nice as ever, geese that are wild as they lit down in the corn fields to rest.
The old farmers seem to think a good deal of me and they say if I will come and see them after the war, they will present these things to me. But I am about discouraged of waiting until the war is over. I don’t think that it ever will be peace again.
What do the think about in old Chenango?

Daniel D. Main