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28th Massachusetts Infantry - Irish Brigade - WIA James Island, SC

Item LTR-463
May 23, 1865 William J. Love
Price: $265.00


2 page original Civil War soldier's letter written in period ink and war dated.

Camp Stoneman
May 23rd 1865

Dear Wife,

Taking up my pen to inform you that I am living and well. Hoping these few lines will find you in the same. Dear Mary, I had no chance to send the money before this morning, as Adams Express did not come over and I sent it by one of the U.S. Christian Commissioners this morning to express it in Washington in Adams Express Office. There were quite a number of the boys sent their money the same way this morning when they found out that the Express was not coming over again. I am certain you will have it by Saturday any way and I hope you will write as soon as you receive it. Dear Mary we have been changing camp today again and I am very tired so you must excuse this short letter as I am scribbling it by candlelight.

Dear Wife,

There is nothing particular to write about only that they have caught old Jeff and has him in safe keeping and there is a general review of the whole Army in Washington today and tomorrow. As I expect they will have a great time. I must now close by sending my love and best respects to you and family and all inquiring friends, especially William, Augustus, Raddin and Joseph. No more at present from your absent but most affectionate husband

William J. Love

Address: William J. Love, Co K, 7th Regiment, 1st V. V. A. Corps
Camp Stoneman
Washington DC

Please write soon and I will write a longer letter next time.

Goodbye for a while Mary.