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24th and 65th Indiana Infantry

Item LTR-51
March 9, 1864 Thomas Johnson
Price: $155.00


3 pages period ink:

Louisville, KY March 9th 1864

Dr. Jno. A. Scudder
Washington Ind.

Dear Sir, Your fav. Of 2nd inst was received by me this morning and from it I learn with regret that you are out of the Service and now on the “From List.” I should have received your letter more promptly had it not been addressed to “ Officer Hospital.” I left the hospital over a month since and when I left, gave instructions to have all my letters forwarded to my boarding place. But you know how these things go at a hospital and had I not gone to the hospital on business this morning might not have got it in a week. This will account for the delay in my answer. Your correspondence is plain enough. If you have now or at any time had any government property Arms, Stoves, Medicines and &c in your possession for which you were accountable. A letter addressed to the Chief of Ordnance, Washington D.C. certifying to the truth of the statement will be sufficient for each quarter since you have been in the service (as your returns should have been made quarterly). The quarters end March 31, June 30, Sept 30 and Dec 31st and one letter must be sent for each quarter or fractional quarter since joined for duty. This I think is all you will have to do to get your money whether here in Cincinnati or Indianapolis. The pay of the Field and Staff of our Regt is stopped on account of neglect on the part of Company officers to forward certain reports but this will be remedied soon and I will send you a certificate if it concerns your case but I think it does not. As soon as you have forwarded the letters I speak of The Chief of Ordnance will at you request (in a separate letter) send you a certificate of non-indebtedness to the government. Then you can approach the pay man without fear or trembling. I do not know what you have to do in the medicine line as I am no doctor. I think nothing as all medicines are generally expended. If you never receipted for any, you have nothing to do. If you have, make out your return as per form and certify that they were expended. I am sorry that you have resigned Foster has tended his resignation and has been here some days awaiting an answer. He is now at Bloomington Ind. I shall go to the Regt as soon as I am commissioned Colonel. But I will stay with the Regt as long as my health will permit. I have no idea I can stick longer than September. My health is much better and is improving rapidly. Remember me to all.

Yours Truly
Thomas Johnson