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5th New Hampshire Infantry - Drummer

Item LTR-5224
June 15, 1864 Charles T. Moody
Price: $300.00


3 pages, original Civil War soldier's letter, written in period ink and war dated.

Camp near Petersburg, VA
June 15, 1864

My Dear Parents,

Once more I write you a few lines. I am well at this time and hope these few lines may find you the same way. Regiment has been fighting and mustering all the time since we left Point Lookout. Our regiment was in a fight last evening and lost quite a number of men. One of my company got shot through the forehead by the railroad near the city; died last evening. Tell George that Billy Woods died last evening after suffering two days with his wound. Charlie Luck got killed yesterday. My orderly sergeant Thomas Mitchell got wounded. George Brooks is missing. Cannot tell you anything about Orlando, about our hundred in the regiment. One Captain, no first lieutenant, no colonel, no lieutenant colonel, no adjutant, only a major to command the regiment. Colonel Hapgood wound through the arm, and tell George, Winking Tucker got wounded through the foot. Only two of our drum corps wounded and one killed so far.

I wish all of you could be here and see the breastworks the rebels had, as men had to charge and then over a plum, nothing to cover themselves with at all but for all as men drove them you see. We always fight under a great disadvantage. Our men took one railroad from them last evening. Cannot tell when we get the city but shall get in soon I think.

Our regiment is most into now some hard fighting them yesterday. Cannot tell how many men lost but several thousand. I should think I will not write anymore now. Will write often as I can. Got Harrison’s letter yesterday. Did not get any from you yet but hope should soon.

Goodbye. Write soon. Love to all from your true son.
