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169th New York Infantry

Item LTR-5662
February 14, 1864 Mason S. Chambers
Price: $125.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages written in period ink.

Riker’s Island, New York Harbor
February 14th 1864

Dear Mother,

I embrace this opportunity to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope this will find you all enjoying the same blessing. I have not much news to write. We are here yet have not moved to Hart Island. But will, I think, next week. We do not have any snow here. But it is very windy. I arrived here the next day after I started from home. I stayed at Albany all night Friday and got here the next day in the afternoon. I received John’s and George’s letter last night. And was glad to hear that you were all well. I have not heard from the regiment. Jim Dezell is in hospital at David’s Island and about seven miles from here. I had a letter from him the other day. He is getting well again.

They have not said anything to me yet about not getting here on time and I don’t think they will. The camp is full of recruits. They come in large number every day. They say we are to have splendid quarters when we get moved to Hart Island. Well, as I have no news to write, I will close for this time. Give my love to all the folks.

Good night.

Mason S. Chambers
Ricker’s Island, NY