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5th New Hampshire Infantry

Item LTR-6350
June 25, 1862 Ira Barton
Price: $285.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages written in period ink.

Camp Victory
Fair Oaks, VA

June 25th 1862

My Dear Father,

I herewith enclose one hundred dollars, $100.00, which you can use, securing as heretofore. I have received your welcome letter. I had been apprised of the fearful lie with which you all had been victimized by Helen. My poor dear wife was nearly killed by it. The scoundrel who wrote it deserves to be short. That Nichols was five miles from the fight and knew nothing about it. I wrote to Helen the next day after the battle. But it was relayed somewhere unaccountably. I pitied you all when I heard of it and if you could have seen Helen’s letter, you would have wept as bitterly as I did. But I do not propose to answer your letter now. I will do that in a day or two. I can get a chance to send this by Mr. Leacomb, our commissioner.

I am now in hospital. I have been here over two weeks. But hope to be on duty soon. I will tell you what is the matter but on no considerations do I want you to let it reach my wife. I am all run down. I have no strength, bilious difficulty and diarrhea. I am worn out and although I expect to get on duty here soon, I have no hopes of ever being well here. All I am invigorated by a little or whether considerable rest and northern climate. It is an impossibility to get a furlough. Old Dunner, the preacher, will not grant a leave to any man if there is a possibility of his, when he is given. I should have resigned a week since. But it doesn’t look right, before Richmond is taken. They have worked us to death and killed the rest. I have some days only 15 men for duty. Think of that out of 101. Six captains are here in hospital with me and Captain Perry. I am afraid we’ll die. Don’t let Helen hear what I have written. I have told her I am feeling better, as I am. I will write very soon.

Your affectionate son,

Ira Barton

Quite a battle was fought near here yesterday by Hooker. He has got the mount he desired. The 2nd was in. Company B lost about 24 killed and wounded and missing. This was the principal loss in the regiment. They were the skirmishers.