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12th Illinois Infantry

Item LTR-6467
September 28, 1863 Thomas P. Gray
Price: $110.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages written in period ink.

Court Room
Pocahontas, TN
September 28, 1863

Miss Markham,

Kind friend, I received your welcome favor almost a month ago and am sorry to say I must now write hurriedly and brief. I have put off writing, hoping to catch a chance when I might write a letter of decent length, but such a letter I have not written to anyone for over a month on account of being very busy as recorder of Court-Martial at this place. Finally thinking you would rather get a short hurried line from me than none, I commence this at 10 at night having just finished my task for today. N I was sorry to hear you had been sick, Hope this will find you well.

I thank you for your kind forgiveness and willingness to “open new books”. I think I must faithfully promise to visit you the next time I go to Knox County. Thank you for the invitation to call in, at the same time tempting me with that list of good things. I might ask you to eat something extra for me but it might make you sick again. We expect to march soon, probably to face the enemy again on the field. I must cut this short, or not be fit for my duties tomorrow. In fact, I am too closely confined to writing for my health, though I am in fair health.

You can hardly realize my sadness on first hearing of Fanny’s death. You know I never had favorites in my school, but if I had dared so to do, I am sure Fanny would have been one. She was always such a good girl all could not help liking her.

My regards to all your folks. Shall try to remember the “Photos” provided we remember also that “where little is given, much is required” (please pardon if my memory has quoted incorrectly). Good night.

Very Respectfully,

Thomas P. Gray

Please write soon

Co. I, 12th Regiment Illinois Infantry – Via Memphis, TN