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2nd Maine Cavalry

Item LTR-6796
December 23, 1862 Nathaniel B. Nile
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages written in period ink on Confederate paper.

December 23, 1862
2nd Maine Cavalry

Dearest Cousin Dorothea,

Finally we are established in permanent weather tight quarters, till the spring, which given me choice opportunity to write you in somewhat civilized fashion. It’s about 7 o’clock, duties done for another day, two hours before “lights out,” lovely new candle, pen in hand. We took a Rebel headquarters Monday last, and have made advantage of their equipment, note the attempted stationary.

Berry is resting on his bedding and wishes to let his parents hear the good notices that he hasn’t been hurt as badly as first thought to be – he will be fine. The ball that struck him in our most recent fight was nearly spent; by this writing, you will have read last week’s message that “poor Berry is hurt,” (if that is, you were able to read by my well-worn pencil, since “lost”), disregard.

So refreshing to be again in camp! You, dear cousin, can’t fully realize how simple pleasures that go without note in civil life are savored, cherished, treasured by those battle-weary, the joy of listening the mockingbird’s song for “cheers,” rather than for shot or shell of necessity.

With the snow thick on the ground, we’re not apt to hear the bird, but neither are we likely to hear enemy fire till the spring, when we shall hear both Nightingale and cannon together.

Our quarters are huts, like cabins, with good heavy walls and a real fine-place, about ten feet to a side, six men a cabin. The roofs are planking over-laid with canvas, upon which mud has been packed, so as to make for a comfortable dwelling. Our mounts, I can’t say much for, because they were stabled in different winter quarters, a bit south of here, which may mean a portent that we head a bit more in that direction in spring (what does “yours” guess?)

Well Dear, the candle’s grown dim, the fire nearly spent, and “lights out” close at hand, and being that this paper is nearly used, I must close, at any rate of event. Very fondly, your cousin Nattie.

Address: Corporal Nathaniel B. Nile
2nd Maine Vol Cavalry, Co. “B”
3rd Division, 2nd Corps
Army of the Potomac
(Near Fredericksburg, Virginia)