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145th New York Infantry

Item LTR-6876
August 21, 1863 Elson M. Misner
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages written in period ink.

Camp Near Kelly’s Ford, Virginia
August 21st 1863

My Dear Sister,

I will try and write to you today for I know you are anxious to hear from me. Of course you will wish to know all about my journey from your place. I left New York City on Tuesday evening for Washington in company with Captain Leslie of the 20th. We arrived in Washington on Wednesday morning and quarters ourselves at the metropolitan Hotel till Thursday noon. When we went to Alexandria. While there, I endeavored to get a pass to go and see Wes. But could not owing to the absence of General Lloyd who has charge of that branch of the service. All passes and permits must come from him and I could not get it, greatly to my disappointment. However, I shall go to Alexandria in a week or two when I will again try it. And I hope will be more success. But to resume my journey. We left Alexandria 2 p.m. for Warrenton Junction where we arrived that evening and found the 20th. I stayed till Friday 11 o’clock when I took the train for Bealeton and from there walked 7 miles to our present camp. Which is a beautiful one on the banks of the Rappahannock. On the other side of the river can be seen the Rebs who are very friendly and come down to the river and talk with our men. How long we will stay here no one can tell. I have been unwell ever since I arrived here yesterday. I was quite sick but feel better today. The weather is excessively hot and it will take me some weeks to get acclimated. You cannot imagine how glad the officers and men were to see me. The Colonel you know I saw in New York City. He brought along a lot of conscripts too. He was astonished at my commissioning so soon. But was very glad to have me. For we are very short of officers. I have been assigned to the command of Company H for the purpose of drilling conscripts. As that company has two thirds drafted men. I also received my appointment as 1st Lieutenant. I suppose that I will have my hands full of drill. Captain Britton is sick in Washington. His picture I will try and send in my next. How is your throats. Better I hope. Give my regards to Miss Brundled. Remember me to Vredenburgh and folks, and other friends, Uncle Andrew and family.

Write soon.

Yours affectionately,



Lieutenant E. M. Misner
145 New York State Volunteers
Washington, DC

Or elsewhere.