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66th Indiana Infantry

Item LTR-6971
April 21, 1864 Andrew Fite
Price: $145.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 1 pages written in period ink.

Near Palaski, Tennessee
April 21st 1864

Dear Wife,

Your letter of the 10th inst was received two days ago and read with interest. I hope you will not think hard of me for delaying one day. As I have been very punctual heretofore. Your letter found me well. But I don’t feel exactly right this evening.

I suppose my last letter was longer than necessary, and in fact, one would judge so from the tone of your last letter. However, I am not much in the habit of writing long letters and feel too dull this evening to write lengthy, even if I had a fruitful and interesting subject to write on. I feel like I ought to still and again declare my constancy to you. But when I think of what I have written, said and done and it all appears almost to prove unavailing, and you will still complain of my neglect what can I say or do? God knows I regret our separation and I certainly have suffered as much as you. Still I want to continue faithful to you. My country and my God and if I never should live to return, think of me as a loving husband and forgive my transgressions.

I am in the army and must stay till I can get out honorably. We may possibly go forward this summer. Life is uncertain anywhere and especially in the army. Pray for my safe return.

Sam is well and the health of the company is reasonably good. I have received but one letter in three weeks. Therefore, write soon to,


Andrew Fite