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1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery

Item LTR-7392
April 30, 1863 Andrew Knox
Price: $175.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

1st Connecticut Volunteer Artillery, Colonel Abbot
Company I

Fort Scott

April 30th 1863

My Dear Wife,

Yours of the 28th is received. I wrote you a letter this morning before I had gotten yours. I would like you to come as soon as you can find an opportunity no matter how soon. If you can come with Miss White do so. As soon as you know the day, you are to start from New York, write me so I can be in Washington if possible. If you do not see me when you arrive in Washington or if you do not come directly over to the fort. You can take a carriage and go to Willard Hotel and send a dispatch by telegraph to me at Fort Scott, Virginia. You can do so at Willards by calling a servant to your room. I hardly think it will be necessary as I think I can be in Washington when you arrive. I give you this notice in case anything should prevent me from knowing of your day of starting. There are four through trains to Washington from Jersey City at 7 o’clock a.m., 10 o’clock a.m., 7:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. They arrive in Washington 5:25 p.m., 9:40 p.m., 6:10 a.m. and 9:50 a.m. The 7 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. are the best trains. A woolen blanket will answer the purpose. It is for your comfort that I wish you to bring it, for I have a great plenty of such things for myself.

You will have to have a pass to come over the bridge into Virginia, which I shall get for you when I am in Washington. I am quite delighted to know I am getting to have my dear wife with me so soon. I only wish I could see my little Amy. I must get along without her for the present. But I hope soon to see her. I trust you are all well and that you will arrive safely in Washington soon. Give my love to Father and Mother. Sending the same to you and Amy and many sweet kisses.

I remain,

Yours as ever,


P.S. Get your baggage checked through from Jersey City to Washington. You may have to change cars in Philadelphia. Don’t forget my shoes, nor the sheets for yourself. You can get lunch on any of the trains if you are hungry.

Take the carriages at 27th New York to go through the city. The weather is quite warm now. It will be very much so before you go home.
