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8th Connecticut Infantry

Item LTR-8579
August 21, 1862 Stephen F. Nye
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

Fredericksburg, Virginia
August 21st 1862

Friend L. Park,

I received your letter tonight at sundown. So this evening I will answer it. We are to go out on picket duty tomorrow morning to stay 24 hours. We are to march about 5 miles.

I am well and so are all the boys. James H. Alexander has got his discharge and is to leave for home in a few days. Troops are coming in every day. Twelve regiments came here yesterday and a number came in today. I don’t know how many there are from General McClellan. I was speaking with two of them yesterday. I asked them how they like McClellan. They like him well. I saw in the Herald today that his Army is at Yorktown.

I was up to Falmouth yesterday and spent two hours or more with Cyrus A. Denison. He gave me a dinner. The best meal I have ate in a long time. Cyrus is doing well. He told me that he made $20 the day before. He said he would like to have George down here with him.

I wrote you a letter the other day and sent a ten dollar bill. On the Mystic River Bank prisoners are brought in every day. Thirteen were captured the other day by the 9th New York Volunteers. They left here yesterday for Washington. A lot of Secesh Cavalry were seen last night by the 4th Rhode Island Volunteers which were out on picket. Where we are to go tomorrow morning.

The weather is warm and I tell you the sweat drops off of me as I write. I was arrested the other night and put in the guard tent through a mistake of Colonel Hiram Appleman. Some of our company were restless on dress parade. The Lieutenant Colonel ordered three of us arrested. The Captain went down and saw the Lieutenant Colonel and had me taken out. The other two boys remained in until morning. The Captain told me that the Lieutenant Colonel said it was something new for me to act so. He always thought me one of the best in the company. I was in the Guard Tent about half an hour. I was perfectly innocent. I hope this war will play out soon. For I am tired of this life. I can’t think of much more to write. It is almost time for roll call and I must stop. My love to all and write soon.


S. F. Nye
Company G
8th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers
Burnsides Division
Fredericksburg, Virginia

We have been in the service just one year today. Only 2 years more.