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4th Ohio Infantry

Item LTR-8612
August 15, 1863 Ebenezer H. Chase
Price: $175.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

Headquarters, 3rd Division, 2nd Corps
August 15th 1863
Camp Elkton, VA

Dear Dr. Kesworth,

I presume nothing will be more unexpected than a letter from your truant friend. I believe I have not written to you but once since I left your house. But heard after that written that the rebels held your town and can come to no other conclusion than that you have not received it. If you have not heard from me tis no sign your not remembered by me for whenever I think of Beverly it brings to me ties that were spent in comparative pleasure and I often think of the happy times spent at your house and it is a source of pleasure for me to muse on times that are past but not forgotten. Now are you getting along and what are you doing to pass away times of war and devastation. Ok that this cruel war may end that anxious hearts. May be at ease God the giver of all respect. God alone can tell but my friend hope in hope ever while there is life there is hope. I hope you may enjoy the privilege of seeing peace again in our beloved country. When cruel weapons will be lad aside and when the sword shall be beat into the plow’s hearth to cultivate the soil now cursed with war.

We are now encamped in a very pleasant encampment on Elk Run and are enjoying ourselves as best we can during these extremely hot days there seems to be a general standstill with both armies but after a calm comes a storm and we may look for a storm of homemade thunder and lightening before a many days hence. As for everything is being prepared or a desperate encounter. Well the sooner comes the quicker. It will be over with luck. Wish it could be avoided but the fate of war bids it otherwise.

I am as present detached in the Division Ordnance Department and have a pretty easy time of soldiering with not much but an ordinary ration of business to transact for Uncle Sam. I begin to look forward to the time when my term of service shall have expired and I shall not be very sorry for I can not calculate to have any great liking for war and things that pertain to war. My time will be out next spring and when that time arrives I am going to visit Beverly and all the old friends I formed while staying there. I wish I was there now. I could talk to you better than write but Division will not have anything done. How is Mrs. Bearworth’s health? I presume she has not forgotten me. When I used o come in and smoke with her around the old fireplace. I enjoyed those times. Please give her my best wishes and kind regards and that sweet little granddaughter. How is she? I presume she has grown so that I would scarcely know her. Tell her I should love to see her and would be delighted to hear from her. Tell he of the well. Write to me. I will take great pleasure in answering all her little queries to the best of my abilities.

Please remember me with kindness to our Beauford’s people and all inquiring friends. Doctor, pardon my long silence and I will take pleasure in remembering you often if you see proper to respond.

I am with much respect.

Yours truly,

E. W. Chase

Headquarters 3rd Division, 2nd Corps
Care of Lt. W. E. Potter, Ordnance Officer, 3rd Division

Write soon.