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26th New York Infantry

Item LTR-8632
March 15, 1861 Warren S. Firman
Price: $165.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 6 pages, written in period ink.

Headquarters N.Y. Volunteers
Camp Near Bell Plain, VA
March 15th 1863

Dear Friend Maggie,

Your very kind and welcome letter of the 8th came to hand the 13th and created quite an excitement in my Family. I being absent at the time it came. They were speculating upon what it contained. I soon came in and settled the matter by opening the casket. It was immediately decided that there had been a wedding. I thought the same until I had read the letter through. The cake was excellent and reminded me of many a pleasant “tete a tete”. Sometimes not so early in the eve. Munson as usual had a share of the cake. We both pronounced it too good for a soldier to eat. Said Munson’s hair is jet black and hazel eyes. Was lately promoted to Corporal and is like myself a new recruit but two months older. His ladies’ name is Martha A. Carter and is what I call handsome. He has her photograph. If you should happen near an artist and is convenient to have your photograph taken it would please me very much to receive the same at the earliest opportunity and I promise to send you a like favor as soon as such a thing is possible. Our going towards Washington is very uncertain. Governor Seymour has made, if I understand it correctly, a request that all N.Y. two year troops should be sent to Elmira one month before their time expires. If this is true and is accepted I shall be in N.Y. before may week, unless I am transferred to some other regiment to serve the rest of my time. I can not of course tell what will be done with us. I can say this much, that I never borrowed any trouble concerning the matter. There is time enough for grumbling when we find out that it is certain that we are kept. But if we are kept, I shall visit Parma on a French furlough if I can get no other for I have been away from home just about long enough for once, Bascom is the only Parma boy with me at present. I received no valentine this year and Eler says that she did not send me any last year. She heard by way of Wiley Bass that I thought she did. “Did I send one” this is the second or third time that I have been asked that question. No Maggie I did not. Yes Maggie, spring is here. It is true, but we are not having any spring weather here just now. It is very cold and windy. Disagreeable weather but I am expecting some a little more pleasant before long. Our duty is very heavy at present. Pickets stay out three days now and in six. My health continues good which is a great thing in this pine wilderness. My health as a general thing is much better than when I left home. I think that you would hardly recognize me if you should meet me in the Rochester or any other place other than Parma. I would like to see a certain picture that Mother has of mine if you will please ask her to send it to me. I will be much obliged to you. Tell her that I will send it back again.

There is no need of sending the case. She can take that off and send the inside. I mean the small one that I had taken in Albany. It would be nothing strange if Hattie should linger for weeks and even months but the swelling of her feet is a pretty sure sign that she is near her end. It is a very strange disease and just as fatal as it is strange. There was a time that I thought I should never reach the age that I have already.

Ambrose has, ere this, returned to his regiment or the hospital wherever he was doing duty. I have heard nothing of him for many months. Did he call at your house while home this time? I can not think that he would visit Parma and return to VA again without visiting your folks. If I should guess who that was that Frank was writing to I would say it was Ambrose. Am I right or wrong?

Hoping for a quick reply. I send this with much love to you and those you love.

Very Truly Yours,

Sergeant W. S. Firman
Co C, 26th N.Y. Vols.

Robinson Division D.C.

M. H. Cox