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3rd New York Cavalry

Item LTR-8681
September 5, 1864 Charles J. Allen
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

Near Prince George Court House, Virginia
September 15th 1864

Dear Friend,

I received your communications of the 8th inst. and in reply there to transmit to you receipt from Lieutenant Starr for all the property you were accountable for on the 15th of June. He having consented to make returns and take every thing off your hands from that time which will of course enable you to get your entire business with the Department adjusted in very short time.

You will find Morgan’s receipts for the tents transferred to him by you at Getty Station. I found them in the lower drawer of the desk underneath everything and having no idea of such papers being there never thought of looking in such a place for them.

I also send you a retained copy of a voucher in my possession covering the loss of the Sibley tent you mention on your list of remaining on hand.

Nobles will furnish a good carbine in the place of the one lost by him. And the four watering bridles you will have in some way to cover.

I did not send you the Retained Quarter Master Return. For at last I was well aware you took a memoranda of the remaining on hand for April and supposed you still had it. I enclose it with the other papers I sent with this.

You can now I think immediately square up everything and send Lieutenant Starr the invoices. I send you with your signature attached so that we may make our returns and have the papers pertaining to the company since he took command in good shape.

Your horse looked well and as soon as opportunity offers Lieutenant Starr will sell him to aid good advantage as possible. There is no chance immediately to pack up your things and send them to you. But in a very short time it will be done. We are a considerable distance from where the company property is packed. It will all be sent up here in a few days. We received the letters sent us by you before leaving Annapolis and will go according to your instructions with regard to your private property.

And now my dear friend, the business portion of my letter is finished, I trust all I have done with regard to paper matters will meet your approval. If you don’t wish to make use of the “receipt for Tents” send it back to me and I will take it up on my return.

Sam is working now for Sergeant Henry. He is well and still takes good care of your horse. Starr has the Joe Young horse. You gave me twenty dollars out of the thirty I gave you at Getty Station.

I put the amount you stated on Sam’s account in the book.

Can I have the amount refunded to me by the government that was deducted from my pay last winter by mistake in completion with the loss of a set of equipment. Starr knows all the circumstances connected with it and I suppose you remember telling me it would be refunded to me as turned over the Set of Equipment charged to Balcom in New Bern according to your order. Please tell me how I will go to work to get the money paid to me by government.

I was well pleased to find your family is well. I hope you are by this time entirely recovered.

I have written you a long letter and hope soon again to get a letter from you. I can’t know who will be Captain of Day. But I think Starr stands a first-rate sight and there is no better qualified officer in the regiment for the position. This I know from my own experience since he has had command.

I am yours respectfully,

Charles J. Allen

P.S. Excuse the writing. Am very tired.

C. J. A.