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3rd Massachusetts Cavalry & 29th Massachusetts Infantry

Item LTR-8697
February 15, 1865 Silas Townsend
Price: $150.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.

Camp Remount
Pleasant Valley, Maryland
February 15, 1865

Dear Father,

I received your letter of the fourteenth No. Two and was very glad to hear you was all well as it leaves me at present. I was very glad you wrote to me as to my wife’s clothes and soon for now I shall know what to do. I want you to write to me and let me know how my wife treats the children for I have been informed she whips them beyond all reason. Now please let me know the facts. I wrote to my wife and told her I was not willing for her to take care of Loner’s wife. Now don’t say anything against her going. Let her act her own way in regard to going but if she does go, please let me know. As to my wife going visiting, I have no objections as I knew of when it comes warm weather in the summer but not at present. I think the rubber diaper she gets when I get home will go on her own ass.

As to furniture, I shall buy just what I have a mind to. If I get any, it won’t be much and [if] anybody don’t like it, they can stay away. I don’t think she means half she says. I don’t care what she says it won’t make any difference to me.

I have not much news to write at present. We have had a very tough snowstorm here the fifth of this month – about two feet deep and still remains on yet. It is very cold here now. I think as cold as at home but we get along with it very well.

We have built us a log hut to live in, six feet one way and nine the other and four feet high. There is five of us Francis Vinal, Sam Macomber, Frank Harvey, Simeon Macomber and myself. Nice little hut. Trees cut down and piled on top of the one and another. Good enough for a soldier. I don’t find any fault for it was the best thing I could of done to come out here. I will now close hoping to hear from you soon and all the news. Send me a few stamps as I have none.

From your ever loving son, Silas Townsend.